Initially accustomed to playing supporting roles in independent productions - "À la petite semaine" (Sam Karmann, 2003); "La première fois que j'ai eu 20 ans" (Lorraine Lévy, 2004) and "La faute à Fidel!" (Julie Gavras, 2006) - Raphaël Personnaz came to public attention in 2010 in Bertrand Tavernier's "La Princesse de Montpensier". The Lyonnais director, who rehired Raphaël Personnnaz 3 years later for "Quai d'Orsay", offered him the decisive role of the Duc d'Anjou, which won him critical acclaim and the Swann d'Or for male revelation at Cabourg in 2011. Since then, Raphaël Personnaz has regularly starred in such notable films as "Trois mondes" (Catherine Corsini, 2012); "La Stratégie de la poussette" (Clément Michel, 2012), "Marius" (Daniel Auteuil, 2013), "L'Affaire SK1" (Frédéric Tellier, 2014) and Safy Nebbou's adaptation of Sylvain Tesson's famous adventure book, in which the French actor pushes his limits as a lone walker in "Dans les forêts de Sibérie" (2016).
Guest of the 7th edition, Raphaël Personnaz will be present at the preview of the film BOLÉRO with director Anne Fontaine and producer Philippe Carcassonne on Sunday 10th March at 7pm at Pathé Flon (room 3), and will meet the public at the EJMA on Monday 11th March at 12pm.